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Forex Profit Predictor News and Review

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[FX Case Study]: $5k into $30k in 3 months (Video) – Forex Profit Predictor

[ January 18, 2012 ]

I’m getting a lot of feedback about John’s video that I sent out yesterday. Most VERY positive…Some, a bit skeptical.But one thing that people seem to agree on…John seems like a real down to earth honest guy.

And it’s clear that his development of this predictive trading model that has been his passion for over three decades…Has a powerfully appealing story behind it.And it sure looks like it’s paid off in terms of results. In case you missed it, in the video John showed how he publically predicted every major swing in the DOW for the last 10 years using ‘rocket science’ and technology.

The question I’m getting most from my readers is:”But Does it work on the Forex?”………..Continue reading Forex Profit Predictor $5K into $30K

In case you missed this jaw dropping video – Forex Profit Predictor

[ January 17, 2012 ]

Turns out a reclusive trader named John and his friend the aerospace engineer named Seth applied actual rocket science to predict every major swing in the Dow for the last 10 years. Skeptical? I almost didn’t believe it, until I found out John published his predictions IN ADVANCE in a major trading magazine. It’s all a matter of public record. That got my attention. And it should yours.

Remember the massive market crash of 2008? (Who doesn’t!) Imagine being short for THAT massive move… Well, John PUBLICALLY predicted the downturn… well ahead of time. And that was no fluke………….Continue reading Forex Profit Predictor Video

Can a Rocket Scientist and a Former Floor Trader ‘Outsmart’ the FX market?

[ January 17, 2012 ]

BEFORE a massive crash…Not because of dumb luck or ‘rolling the dice’…But having a supreme degree of confidence going into the trade, and knowing ahead of time that you were right.Sounds like a pipedream, I know..Yet that is exactly what happened when a former professional trader had a chance meeting with a brilliant aerospace engineer, and then they used real ‘rocket science’ to accurately forecast ANY market………Continue reading Forex Profit Predictor Rocket Scientist

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  1. Google Forex Profit Predictor
  2. Bing Forex Profit Predictor
  3. Yahoo Forex Profit Predictor
  4. Youtube videos on Forex Profit Predictor